Week 3 - Visiting The Richest Man in Babylon

Tiffany "TheBudgetnista" Aliche with the ladies of the Dress for Success Going Place Network by Walmart

The Trip
Volunteer work takes a very personal turn…

I have disrespected money…blatantly for most of my life.
This was an epiphany I had just after this week’s session.  It’s one of the harshest things I’ve had to admit about myself in a long time, but now that I’ve said it, I am sure there is something I can do to rectify the offense.

After a review of Week 2 with the clients, the group was introduced to our guest speaker: Ms. Tiffany “TheBudgetnista” Aliche.  Right away I became keenly aware of her exuberant energy.  She took charge right away and began her presentation by telling us the story of the first bicycle she ever bought…as a kid. 

I’m not sure what everyone else expected to hear from Tiffany and as I mentioned in last week’s post, I left my expectations home.  I purposefully decided NOT to do any research on her because I wanted to be completely objective upon our introduction.  Her next story was a quick synopsis of the book The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason.  The basic premise provides the reader with the "golden rules" of money that we should all live by.

Next up! The session, which was a flurry of opinions, ideals, and disagreements all surrounding the issue of money philosophies, was masterfully facilitated by Tiffany.  In the end, most of the women confirmed they were in trouble and I was certainly right there with them.  Tiffany made us all take a cold hard look at our poor spending habits directly in the face so that we could become more accountable for our actions yet motivated to make positive changes moving forward.  Tiffany walked the group through a portion of Day One in her book; The One Week Budget, where clients were asked to:

1.   list every single expense
2.   apply a monthly dollar amount to each expense
3.   subtract that amount from their monthly income
4.   determine if they had money left or if they were in the hole
After the calculations were tallied, you could hear a pin drop.  We all know what that meant.  But instead of seeing fear or discouragement on the faces of the women, I saw the look of realization and personal strength; the determination to make a change.

Later, after a giggly photo session (see group pic above), Tiffany was nice enough to offer me a ride to the PATH station…poor girl!  It was like putting a chronically ill hypochondriac in a car with a doctor.  I think I spilled my entire financial guts to her in less than five minutes.  You gotta give it to her, she’s a good listener!  One of the last things I recall muttering to her before I got out of the car was that I had an “existential philosophy” about money…hahahaaaaaaa.  What in the world was I talking about? Pure gibberish!  Excuses, excuses, excuses…

As soon I got home, I started browsing her book first as she suggested and have marked a day this week to start my Day One calculations.  In the meantime, I’m still reading The Richest Man in Babylon and I am totally captivated by its simple yet enlightening message that will indeed “change your money mindset”.  It has for me.  Thanks Tiffany!

Your Guide
Rules to live by: From the Richest Man in Babylon
Acquire Money - A part of all you earn is yours to keep. It should be not less than a tenth no matter how little you earn. It can be as much more as you can afford. Pay yourself first.
Keep Money - Advice is one thing that is freely given away, but watch that you take only what is worth having. He, who takes advice about his savings from one who is inexperienced in such matters, shall pay with his savings for proving the falsity of their opinions.
Use Money - make gold (money) work for you

Rules to live by: From TheBudgetnista
“Need” means what you CAN’T LIVE without
“You don’t have to have a lot to have a lot”

Words from Your Fellow Travelers
I was just in the Going Places Networking Workshop. You were/are amazing and have changed my life! Thank you! Your Seminar today was great! Extremely helpful, you have encouraged me to take on a different/better life. I am so glad to have crossed paths with you! Thank you so much!! You are amazing! Glad you kept going because you are helping so many people. :) Congratulations and good luck on all the great things coming in the future!
From a DFS client

Hello Linda,
Thanks SOOOOOOO much for inviting me to facilitate the workshop. The ladies truly touched my heart and reminded me exactly why I began working as "TheBudgetnista" in the first place. I decided in college that I wanted to live a life of service, and I've chosen financial literacy as my vehicle. I'm really grateful for the platform you've provided in letting me help others, learn how to help themselves. I look forward to the next one.
All the best and more,

Travel Advisory

The One Week Budget – Learn to create your money management system in 7 days or less!

Photos from Our Trip

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